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5G AntennasAntennas Designed for High speed 5G New Radio (NR) network

As the world moves swiftly towards faster and more reliable internet connectivity, the advent of 5G is a game changer. Offering speeds up to 100 times faster than 4G, reduced latency, and higher capacity, 5G technology promises to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and the world around us.
But what truly enables the power of 5G is the backbone of its infrastructure: the antennas. At Siretta, we are excited to unveil our latest range of 5G antennas, specifically designed to unlock the full potential of 5G connectivity.

What is 5G?

For those unfamiliar with the nuances of 5G, the technology utilises various frequency bands, extending from sub-1 GHz up to 100 GHz, to deliver its game-changing capabilities.

However, a significant portion of 5G communications, particularly in the IoT sphere, primarily leverage the range of frequencies from 400 MHz to 6 GHz.

This frequency band, which encompasses both the low-band spectrum (sub-1 GHz) and mid-band spectrum (1 GHz to 6 GHz), plays a pivotal role in 5G connectivity.

The low-band spectrum ensures broad coverage and impressive penetration for indoor scenarios, while the mid-band spectrum provides an optimal blend of coverage and capacity.

Antennas designed for these frequencies require specific performance criteria for optimal functionality:


For 5G networks, selecting the right antenna gain is crucial: high-gain antennas boost signal reach and strength in sparse areas, while lower-gain options ensure even coverage and minimize interference in dense urban settings. Siretta’s Antenna Datsheets contain 2D and 3D radiation plots as well as a peak gain across frequency table, so you can get a comprehensive view of each antenna’s gain characteristics.


Radiation Efficiency

This determines how effectively an antenna can convert input power into radio waves. Antennas with high radiation efficiency can deliver superior performance and coverage. Be sure to refer to Siretta’s Antenna Datasheets to view each antennas radiation efficiancy across the 0-6 GHz frequency range.


Voltage Standing Wave Ratio is a measure of the impedance matching between the antenna and the connected device. A lower VSWR denotes reduced signal reflection and improved power transmission, resulting in more efficient system performance. VSWR is not a single value, it varies across frequency so be sure to check the VSWR across frequency chart on our datasheets.

3rd Party Verified

As part of our commitment to transparency and trust, Siretta’s 5G antennas are subject to rigorous third-party lab tests, ensuring it performs exactly as stated on our datasheet. We believe in accurate, reliable specifications—so you get precisely what you’re promised, with no surprises!


Siretta’s Traffic Light Use Indicator

To facilitate the antenna selection process, Siretta have developed a formula that takes those important VSWR, Radiation Efficiency and Gain readings and gives you a colour inidator for each 5G frequency and band:

Each antenna datasheet includes a Spectral View Diagram, illustrating the antenna’s performance across key frequencies from 400 MHz to 6 GHz

Additionally, a Band Coverage Table details every known cellular band, listing maximum VSWR and average efficiency percentages for both upload and download. A use indicator tab further guides compatibility, ensuring the antenna you’re considering matches your specific band requirements

The Wide World of 5G Applications

Siretta’s 5G antennas are proven in a variety of 5G applications across various sectors, enabling advanced applications such as efficient water management systems, smart car parks, and the seamless operation of autonomous vehicles. Siretta’s versatile range of 5G ready antennas cover every popular mounting type and form factor, meaning we’re sure to have the perfect antenna for your application, be it enhancing public safety through security technology to transforming healthcare with eHealth solutions.

1. Smart Buildings

Utilising low-profile, adhesive-mounted antennas connected to building management systems, smart buildings achieve enhanced energy efficiency and automation, improving comfort and reducing operational costs.

2. Security Cameras & Bodycams

Compact, rugged antennas with secure mounts, linked to surveillance equipment, provide reliable, high-definition video transmission for enhanced public safety and security monitoring.

3. Water Management

Dipole antennas mounted on water sensors and control systems enable real-time monitoring and management of water resources, leading to optimised consumption and reduced waste.

4. Smart Car Parks

Omnidirectional antennas installed on parking guidance systems connect to a central management system, streamlining parking operations and improving user experience with real-time availability updates.

5. Medical & eHealth

Discreet, wearable antennas connected to medical devices facilitate continuous health monitoring, transmitting vital data to healthcare providers for timely intervention and personalised care.

6. Autonomous Vehicles

High-gain, roof-mounted antennas on autonomous vehicles ensure seamless connectivity with traffic management systems, enabling safer navigation and coordination on the roads.

7. Consumer Wearables

Flexible, body-worn antennas integrated into wearable technology connect to smartphones and other devices, enhancing lifestyle and fitness tracking with constant data sync and analysis.

To identify the ideal Antenna for your application, we have developed the Antenna Selector Tool which is a configurable filter to narrow down the results to match your exact requirements.

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